So its the 12th today. 12/12/08 the eve of Eve leaving Malaysia.
Well as you can see,I still cant get over this very know,the fact that you're leaving.But heck,you're leaving anyhow so i might as well type this post with a smile.Wishing you all the best in Ireland which is many-many-far-many-many-miles away.
So Evie.ur popo here will definitely miss you loads (DUH) !
I'll miss the days where i was dragged to toilet ,canteen,anywhere by you. Miss those days where you dont understand what were others talking about and the face.Miss the days when you always always dont know or rather not sure about how to write chinese words when ure struggling with ALK's hw.Miss those days when we sampat together.Miss the times we had in s6. But I ll definitely miss EVELYN SIA THE ULTIMATE RESTLESS QUEEN WHO SUFFERS FROM BLADDER PROBLEM the most la.
Although you're still reading this in Msia,im already anticipating the day you touch down in KLIA from Ireland.Thats like,3 years away. *big big sigh*
Anyway,i would love to drive you around by then cause you will only learn to drive when you're 20.HAHA. I wouldnt need to make this post longer as i know deeply inside,you know i love you to bits.Dont forget le moi aight. Promise that you'll not be a cavewoman.Promise that you'll update your blog.Promise that you will come update class blog from time to time.Go online as often as you can.Wait i dont care if you cant.YOU MUST and YOU HAVE TO.send us mails,pictures letters whatever.*wink*
So honey, take care,so long,farewell,be good aight.
And sincerely,I wish you all the best in Ireland.Dont come back with a baby lol.
with lotsa love,
9 years ago
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