Thank you I-ting for helping me out in the previous touch! at least someone DID notice im going after THE STUDENTS' WORDS. lol
so yeah,ystd was our free spirit's birthday.THANK YOU time i'll consider ASKING PERMISSION TO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY IN SCHOOL."like u will say ok la..if there was such law,i would have asked for the damn permission a month ago.u dumb dumb."
whatever,we did make it a REAL celebration at I was afraid we would frustrate the waiters there.the orders were all jumbled up and rejected back.and pathetically,almost the whole class was there but the orders were like only 4-5?LOL
so yada yada yada..back to the STUDENT'S WORDS AGAIN.
to all my dear classmates:
i do notice that im annoying+irritating enough to go after ur student's word everyday.some even every interval an hour? if u ask me,i'll tell u sincerely i dont wanna be like "a-long" also la..its just that,w/o the student's word,we will not be able to progress and Class Mag wont get the chance to be published.Ur stdnt's word+the 7comments to others(CTO) are the crucial key for the progression of our mag.So,people,pls?Do s6 the favour? spending 20minutes for it is more than doesnt need any strike of boombastic vocab/simile/proverbs/personification are needed as what we need is your sincere thought.
and with this,i would like to apologise to anyone if i had use improper tone asking for the piece of paper..u know,girls have their hard time once a month.LOL sorryyy.
*do not not grumbling about the job and this post is not meant to be earning ur sympathy.I just thought its good to share everything here,esp the progression of Class Mag 2008.=)
last note for today's post.people.feel free to tell me/sc/shirley about ur ideas/opinions regarding the class mag.Its OUR thing remember?
Request: Kindly suggest the names of teachers that u would like them to be excluded from writing their "teacher's words" in the Mag.Its better if we dilute all the bad memories.LOL
suggest it personally to me if its possible.=>
Good day peeps!
9 years ago
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