Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hey yo people.the last post was like AGES ago so i am keeping the blog alive,as well as the chatbox (:

So apparently,college life started.We are all,obviously and unavoidably,not keeping in touch that often anymore.Sound damn sad no?

to Help-ians,Sunway-ians,UTar-ians,Inti-ians,and of course Taylor-ians,Good Luck in all the assignments,tests,common tests,semester exams,projects,presentations,directed investigations ET CETERA ET CETERA.
to all that are you see college life aint that fun either.ok it challenging lah. :s you all should enjoy what you have now.(:

and a little bit about yeesook.i went to see him in SJMC during my break today.He looked weaker than the last time i went to see him before college started.and he was pretty exhausted.He himself told me he's now trying an alternative method,which i am not sure what,since doctor has informed him bone marrow transplant will not work dy.
i know.damn gg.But i am hoping you guys can go and pay him a visit lah.and dont go alone because i know you will not know what to say to him and stuff,the silence is yeah.go with someone else and talk to him more lah.i think he needs MOTIVATION.ALOT OF THEM.

A lot of you has been asking what can we do.To tell you the truth,nothing but motivations for him and prayers.Go see him and dont let him feel left out aight.

God bless.